Thursday, March 29, 2007


Alright, so since the last couple posts a bunch of stuff has happened. Most importantly I became an uncle. Melanie and Jono had a baby girl on March 15 named Sienna. Kelsey and I went and saw her the next day and I got to hold her, the first baby I've ever held. I know that might be shocking to some but it's true. It felt great!

I ended up being swayed to buy the camera by a really good sale at Bestbuy. I haven't been out to take any pictures with it yet as I just got a memory card for it today. On Tuesday I went out and snapped a few with my old camera. The air was really warm and the river water is still really cold so it was all foggy by the river and I got some good ones.

As far as the running goes, I was up to 6k on Monday and Kelsey and I managed to run 8k this morning. My legs are sore but I'm really impressed that I didn't die 5 minutes in. You should be too.

Oh ya and St. Patrick's Day was in there too. Here's a few highlights from the festivities.

Field hockey girls.

Dylster came from Queen's to represent the law and to reclaim the Guelph city. Matt has never been happier.

1 comment:

Aaron Paas said...

what is dylan doing with his fingers, it looks like the person taking the picture caught him right before her was going to scratch matt in the face. close one.