Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Summer Special, Combo #4

Last night I worked the night shift and we went out for breakfast afterwards. On the way home there was some really cool fog around and the sun was about to come up so I snapped some pics of the sunrise.

The view from lookout point here in Fonthill was really cool. The fog was settled in the low spots of the Shorthills and you could see from Niagara Falls to St. Catharines.

During the night we cleaned a bridge in St. Catharines along the 406. It's called the Segmental b/c it's hollow and inside there are a bunch of rooms. Anyways, on the side there is always some awesome graffiti so I went back today to take a look around a snap some pictures.

This "GUTS" crew had stuff all over the place. Most of it was pretty impressive even if I couldn't tell what it said. I like the pictures the best.

If I owned a business that catered to young people I would hire some of these people to paint a kickass mural on my store. People would come to see it and they would buy lots of stuff. We could change it up every couple of months, can you say tourist attraction? Yes, sir!


Aaron Paas said...

those are some b-e-a-utiful pictures of the sunrise..... you really love those sunrises, and they love you.

bws said...

snazzy shots, snoogie