Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dust Bowl and Tornado watch

Today I realized that the date on my watch has been wrong for the past two weeks and the big soccer game today between Holland and the Ivory Coast is actually tomorrow...... but it works better b/c i'll be able to watch some of it. Apparently May does have 31 days, not 30.

On my way home from work today I saw a dust devil ( in a bare field. It must have been over 100 ft high and 30 feet across, it was really cool as I have this fascination with tornadoes and dream about them constantly. I stopped on the side of the road to watch it, then it hit some trees and disappeared. I didn't have my camera... It seems I always see cool stuff in my car when I don't have it. I'd love to chase tornadoes some day but I think I'm too scared. I think this fascination with them started when a twister when through Fonthill in '96, I still remember running down the street to get in the house before the crazy downpour began. The twister ripped through my friends properties and took down a drive in movie screen that was ironically about to play the '96 hit "Twister". I shit you not.

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