Saturday, July 11, 2009

Massassauga - Early June

My camera that accompanied me through all my travels last year bit the biscuit a while ago after about 10000 pictures. It was sad but not unexpected, it had looked pretty sad for a while. I purchased a new one last month and here are some of the pictures I snapped.


About a month ago I went on a second staff trip. This time the destination was Massassauga Provincial Park near Parry Sound. The weather was spectacular and there was lots to do and see.

Two groups went to the park so we met up for a day and paddled to Wreck Island where we encountered fresh bear tracks. Knowing that you're on a tiny island with a hungry bear is a little disconcerting but betting that your not the slowest runner is reassuring. Haha.

The view from Wreck Island.

I've never seen so many snakes. Unfortunately I missed the rattler that the rest of the group got to see but no worries. The bug situation was much improved compared to Killarney a few weeks before. The dragonflies were out in full force and we watched one hatch at one of our campsites. Click on the picture below to see it come out of it's exoskeleton. Now this is a transformer. Wow!

Dragonfly hatching.

The same campsite was crawling with Skinks - cool.

Great sunsets!

Hey, a Spotted Turtle. A species at risk. This little guy scurried into a little puddle when he saw us coming.

We found out who had won the Stanley Cup from a bunch of guys paddling by. The same group we had to later kick off a campsite that we had reserved for that night... Awkward... Great site though to conclude a great trip!

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