Monday, September 29, 2008

Of weddings and windmills

This past weekend I headed up north to Sarah's brother's wedding. It was in beautiful Bruce County. The 300km journey was well worth it as the wedding took place on the beach at Inverhuron Provincial Park. The weather on the way up was drizzle and pretty crappy but as I got closer things began to turn around.

The beach, complete with a boardwalk aisle.

Ferris coming down to meet her parents.

Making it legal.

Ok, so for years I've heard about the windmills they've been putting up there. I've heard a few bad things but mostly good. A couple years ago I saw a few blades for these badboys heading down the highway and had a post with picture commenting on their size. Well I'm here again to report on how massive they are. Wings are 130ft long each! They overwhelm the landscape and I couldn't take my eyes off them. So incredible.

Dominating the landscape.

That is my car parked at the base of one. I'll take one windmill please and make it xtra large.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Temagami River Rerun

All summer long we`ve been trying to find people who want to be trippers next year so during 5th session we took these people out on a bit of a training run down the Temagami River. Remember, a few weeks before this I had attempted to do this river with a bunch of LIT`s and it was.... well, an interesting ending. This time however Luke (my fellow instructor) and I had more confidence that we would actually complete the entire river and end up in River Valley in the four days. It had been a week since I had gotten my appendix out and wasn`t allowed to lift anything however we still decided to take 4 boats for the 6 people in our group. We would switch up who was soloing as to build skills faster.

Sunscreen time at Central Access point on Lake Temagami.

Luke overlooking an old dam on a tiny lake we hiked to.

Here is the boat that is pinned at the top of a big set. Look out for strainers like this. We went around it; river left.

We all took turns soloing on flat and moving water and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it came back to me after a few years off. Here I am popping out after taking a 2m ledge.

Trevor with a huge cross bow draw. Jamie is loving it.

Part of Island Falls. We took the road less travelled here and took the west side which had a portage 6 inches wide down a cliff face. I didn`t mind it too much though, I still couldn`t carry anything.

Trevor and Jamie at the top of the cliff with the canoe.

Ragged Chute. Jen and Trevor trying to ferry across a little to close to the waterfall. They kissed it once but survived.

In the eddy at the bottom we found what had been a nice cedar strip canoe that was pretty mangled. Luke and I cut it into a few pieces and paddled it out the next day through 3 sets of rapids. I want to make it into a bookshelf.

Overall the trip was amazing! The guys and Jen learned a lot and by the last day could scout rapids and properly run them amongst other things. The water was at spring levels but warm, the weather was hot and sunny, there weren`t any bugs to speak of, the fishing was great and the wind was at our back. An ideal trip for sure!