Sunday, July 27, 2008

LIT - wrap up

A week ago, LIT wrapped up in a formal sense as half the kids went off to one of the three sites around the lake and the other half went home to return for their practicum in a couple weeks. Overall the entire LIT experience was amazing. It was truly great to involved with something at Pioneer that wasn't the same old boys' camp experience. As I was a small group leader I got to know the 7 LIT's in my group really well and was privileged to help them grow both in leadership and their walk with the Lord.

This is my small/large group of LIT's that I got to mentor. This was the day that we led program. The theme was Super Mario.

This is the group that were on my trip. However this picture was taken a couple weeks post trip, hence the cleaned up looks everyone is sporting.

Wow, being involved in this program which meant so much to me when I was 16 was truly an honour that I'll never forget. Maybe one day I'll be back to do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note: That was a picture of the coolest trip group ever!!!

Note: "Maybe one day I'll be back to do it again." doesn't cut it....make that, "I'll definitely be back to do it again". :o)

Note: Great blog!