Thursday, August 09, 2007

Back to Obabika

Last week I helped to lead an LIT (Leaders In Training) trip to Temagami. It was pretty slack and was definitely the slowest moving trip I have ever been on. Halfway through the second day we passed by the place where I stay the first night when I go with kids. The LIT's though took turns leading the trip and so the pace they set was the pace we went. Since the trip straddled the long weekend campsites were at a premium.

This is a nice sunset on Lake Temagami.

There were alot of nice smallmouth bass at our first campsite. They were jumping everywhere. I got this one after it jumped over an LIT's lure. He put in all the work and I capitalized.

The next day on Lake Obabika I was way behind the pack after gathering firewood and saw this huge crowd of seagulls part way down the lake. I took a detour to go through them and noticed as I came closer that not only were there a ton of seagulls but that they infact were following a flock of at least 100 loons ( I am not exaggerating) that were diving together moving down the lake. We soon found ourselves in the middle of the chaos and there were loons everywhere. It was a really cool experience.

Just north of Obabika Lake lies the Wakimika river. It was here when I was 15 that I almost caught the biggest pike ever. So since we were only a bout 4 k south of that I got a couple of the LIT's who liked fishing together for an expedition the next morning. A 5:33 departure scored us a couple hours of paddling and for me two of the smallest pike I had ever seen. The other two guys got skunked. A bit of a let down but if I hadn't gone I would've been kicking myself all year.

Here is a sunrise picture on the Wakimika River.

Here is the group having a devotional on our island campsite.

This is my tiny tent that I used for the first time on the trip. Having it on bare rock was fine for sleeping but what I didn't factor in was the wind that would blow it away in the middle of the night.

Here are some of the kids working on making a fire which was followed by an awesome meal of pasta.

Family portrait!

Temagami sunsets

This guy fished way more than I did but didn't catch anything until we were taking out at the ramp where he hooked this nice smallmouth. I'm glad he finally got something.

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