Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Muskoka...... Sweet

Well, I made it up here finally and it's great. We've gotten a lot done at tripping which is so good. That means it shouldn't be too crazy as we try to prepare for LIT trips next week. The LIT's send out 7 groups of 13 people so finding them easy, relatively close together 4-day trips can be challenging. I've got a few ideas that I want to run by Wes (LIT director) as far as that goes.
The weather has been great, a little cold at first but it has definitely warmed up. I gave my lighter sleeping bag to an Aussie to use so I'm stuck with my mondo warm mec one that is rated to 0 degrees. (Really handy in this kind of weather)

This morning I locked into a huge bass but lost it after my line snapped. That has happened a couple times now so I'm going to go buy some new stuff. There is nothing worse than losing a big fish.

pictures to follow shortly.

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