Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Almost there!

I'm almost done. Just two more assignments to hand in before finals. I brought Chico up this weekend for the rest of the semester to keep me company. The real reason is that my mom is going to Australia and I'm fairly convinced my dad would forget about him.

Here is Kelsey holding him. Notice how he's leaning as far away as possible.. haha. He's trying to get to me, taking the picture. What a loser, so needy.

On the way back to Guelph this morning I saw a windmill blade being transported somewhere, it was HUGE. So cool.

Yes, occasionally I take pictures while driving.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Ok, it's official, I am currently millimetres away from burning out. I counted the number of assignments I have. This semester I have 24 assignments consisting of labs and calculation assignments, they range from 3-10 pages and take way too long to do. Most of them are geology shit and you have to map stuff and make figures. On top of this I still have midterms and a real sized paper. THIS IS CRAZY.... I was going to go home tomorrow but can't now b/c these things are just too huge!

I have to plan my life by the minute to finish these beasts. IT SUCKS!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Windmills in the library

This week was bittersweet, the beginning started out so crappy. Tons of stuff due and not enough time to get all the assignments done. Sunday to Wednesday I spent over 12 hours in the library each day... crappy! 3 assignments got moved to next week though so the end of my week was alot better and let me do some birthday stuff.

This picture I snapped while driving by the big windmill at the Ex at the end of October. I photoshopped the background to black and white while keeping the windmill the same. It was reflecting all that blue off the sky. I thought it looked pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Some of the best

Here's some of my favourite pictures that I've taken over the past year.

Ok, so here's the story. I know you can identify.
I was swimming in the pool on sunday night at school playing innertube waterpolo and I had to go pee really bad. Not wanting to run back to the locker room I contemplated just going in the pool. (they're full of chlorine, don't worry about it) But then, fear came over me as I recalled the legend of that magical dye that turns red when you pee. After discussing my predicament with one of my other teammates we both concluded that this dye doesn't exist. However, the fear was still in me and it was a chance I wasn't willing to take. Everyone has heard of this mythical dye yet no one has actually ever seen it. I seriously doubt it's existance but I'll let you test it first.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Orange County II

Ok, I just ate an orange and noticed the sticker on it said it was from South Africa. That's crazy! A piece of fruit traveled half way around the world and then I ate it. I wonder who picked it and what their like..... Life must be way different for them. It's almost like one of those thoughts you have when you think that You are You and that you're a person who can make your own decisions and stuff. Mind bending..