Thursday, September 28, 2006

Multiple dreaming layers

Last night I dreamt that I was back in a canoe and catching up on my tanning. I miss the summer and canoeing ALOT! It was much better than the night before's dream. That dream was crazy and started with me working at a shipping yard for the couple months before camp. I ended up climbing a cliff and at the top was my program counsellor from school for some reason (who's husband is a cliff ecologist). I was looking for someone so scrambled back down the cliff and found that the shipping yard was now on camp property and that it was winter. There were tunnels through the snow drifts that outdoor ed had made and they had fans in them to keep the air circulating through them. It was this point that I made my way to the tuck shop which was more like a trading post and ran into my dad. It was then thanksgiving and I was freaking out b/c I noticed that I had cut my thumb off some how. It looked sick. I couldn't remember right away how I had did it but realized that I hadn't actually cut it off but only dreamt that I had the day before while documenting a crime scene with Nanook on the side of the road. Once I realized that I hadn't actually cut my thumb off I felt alot better. I then went sledding at camp and then woke up.

All of that makes sense when I think about. Everything that showed up in that dream somehow relates to someone I saw or somewhere I went over the previous couple of days... It's weird how stuff like that sits in your subconcious.

1 comment:

Sarah. said...

you have dreams like me!!

In a better mood these days???