Sunday, May 28, 2006

Smog, graffiti and the green mile

So I work on bridges for the most part during the spring, cleaning expansion joints and doing minor repairs to asphalt and concrete. However, a couple weeks ago we got a call to come and paint a railing in front of the Hamilton Catholic Diocese offices and some big church that was there. Apparently when the province put in the 403 way back when they agreed to maintain this fence. It was supposed to be painted in the fall but no rush.... The church there is celebrating their 150th anniversary this coming weekend and someone high up in the MTO (ministry of transportation of ontario) knows someone high up at the catholic church and this is HAS to be done by then. Anyways... we've been painting this fence for two weeks solid, it's over 800 feet long and we've nicknamed it the Green Mile. Painting sucks in general, but painting a fence like this is way worse.
This picture shows half of the Green Mile, the rest lurks around the corner to the right. It never ends.

Near by there are a couple bridges that we just found out we have to paint to. Underneath there is some cool graffiti.

This one was the best.

May 28, 2006, Hamilton Harbour. Believe it or not there is not a cloud in the sky, this is all just smog, compliments of my car, your car, dofasco and lawnmowers.


bws said...

bummer you have to paint over that graffiti. Those are some awesome pieces.
keep your stick in the ice, champ

Rob Nelson said...

we're only painting the railings on the bridges. the graffiti stays

Anonymous said...

yeah green mile!!! ahhhhhhhhhh