Early July I was paired up with a good friend to lead an L4 group (16-17 year olds) through Killarney Provincial Park, the crown jewel of Ontario Parks. The weather proved to be totally unpredictable and thus we changed our plan and climbed Silver Peak a day early when we knew the weather was supposed to be nice. I can't remember seeing such unsettled skies for so long before.
TH doesn't take grills so cooking over a fire sucks when your campsite doesn't have one. Our guys managed to improvise this tripod, complete with a curved stick holding the pot on.
The plan was to climb on day 2 as opposed to day 3 meaning we had to haul it to make it up there by early afternoon. The first portage of the trip was an 830 and I lead the way with a barrel and a boat. Upon arriving at the other end I turned around to get more and on the way back was stopped b/c apparently we had portaged it in a single shot! The guys were packed out to the max and even soloed boats! What a change from the last boondoggle of a trip. The next portage would prove to take significantly longer as 2 guys went right instead of left on the portage trail and went 1.5km the wrong way. I ran back after taking my own stuff to the end and helped bring their stuff the now 2.5km to the right point. Upon departure we realized that we had left two paddles back at the beginning and the two 'leaders of the day' gladly volunteered to wade through a big stream to run back and find them. Apparently upon arrival back at the other end they ran into another TH group that wouldn't give the paddles back. Jamie (my co-leader) was livid. I on the other hand just saw it as two less things we had to carry. One was an extra and one was for the princess; so basically useless. Thanks Grizzly for taking those back for us. haha. Along the way to our campsite on David Lake we saw a big black bear wander out and take a swim before heading back to the forest.
The hike to the top was uneventful but the view from the top was spectacular! The guys loved it and so did we. It looked like it might rain at a couple points on the way up but those clouds blew over by the time we got up.
The next day we sat around the campsite in the drizzle and basked in our decision to climb a day early. The rest of the trip went super smoothly as these guys knew their stuff and made things happen. Definitely in the top 3 groups I've ever had on trip!! Thanks guys!
More Highlights

More Highlights
- inventing and playing 'Rockball' for 3 hours
- Scoring site 66 at 9:30 am and hoisting our pirate flag
- crazy rain pulling the tarp down
- the annoying snapping turtle that wouldn't go away
- blueberry cheesecake
- talking movies
- Tanner's opinion on everything
- 'Jordan'
- paddling in the POURING rain
- wearing a toque in mid july
- boatloads of drift wood
- sunset campfire overlooking silver peak