Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ground breaking research at U of G!

These are a couple "news stories" on the uoguelph home page. It astounds me that someone in the world thinks this research is important enough to post on our website but what is even more shocking is that people are researching this and some moron is funding this research.

Lefties Aren't So Different After All, Finds U of G Prof

This research is featured in today's Globe and Mail.

Contrary to popular scientific belief, left-handedness is not linked to dyslexia, poorer spatial ability, homosexuality, asthma and hyperactivity, a University of Guelph psychology professor has found.

Surprise Surprise.... ! I was previously unaware of these left handed stereotypes but I can tell you this, I know now and am on the look out.

TV Watching Linked to Increased Physical Inactivity, Study Finds

Thinking of getting your kids a new television or some DVDs for Christmas? You may want to reconsider that gift idea if you want your children to be physically active, according to research by University of Guelph and University of Toronto professors.

Ok, WHO funds this?! This is common sense/knowledge. ... idiots

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

T-shirt memories

I was talking to Vice last night and somehow it came up about making a t-shirt regarding us surviving the death storm in Algonquin over the summer. Here's my prototype.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I took this while driving.... a photoshop filter later I like the way it looks.

I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Done classes

Holy crap, I'm sitting here in the library and have my final assignment completed and in my bag ready to hand in. This is crazy. It's going to take a while to sink in....

This stupid computer still has a wheel mouse, what is this, 1995?