Wednesday, May 31, 2006


A couple months ago I really needed a haircut but not wanting to go to some weird place to get it done I just bought a hat.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Smog, graffiti and the green mile

So I work on bridges for the most part during the spring, cleaning expansion joints and doing minor repairs to asphalt and concrete. However, a couple weeks ago we got a call to come and paint a railing in front of the Hamilton Catholic Diocese offices and some big church that was there. Apparently when the province put in the 403 way back when they agreed to maintain this fence. It was supposed to be painted in the fall but no rush.... The church there is celebrating their 150th anniversary this coming weekend and someone high up in the MTO (ministry of transportation of ontario) knows someone high up at the catholic church and this is HAS to be done by then. Anyways... we've been painting this fence for two weeks solid, it's over 800 feet long and we've nicknamed it the Green Mile. Painting sucks in general, but painting a fence like this is way worse.
This picture shows half of the Green Mile, the rest lurks around the corner to the right. It never ends.

Near by there are a couple bridges that we just found out we have to paint to. Underneath there is some cool graffiti.

This one was the best.

May 28, 2006, Hamilton Harbour. Believe it or not there is not a cloud in the sky, this is all just smog, compliments of my car, your car, dofasco and lawnmowers.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Coats and Rain

Today it rained. We finished work early which was really nice and went out for a pizza lunch and called it a day. We're painting the longest fence in the world. We've nicknamed it the green mile b/c it never ends. On the way home from Hamilton I saw a traffic jam building in front of me near Beamsville and quickly took the Ontario St. exit ( I needed gas anyway) and saw as i drove down the service road that the Toronto bound side was totally stopped. Everyone on the Niagara bound side which I had been on was stopping to look. I felt like a ge
nius as I drove by everyone stopped on the highway!

I'm selling my beloved Oilers jacket on ebay and a couple people have already bid on it. I figured this would be the best time to sell it, when people are in Oilers fever. I already got the reserve price of 30 bucks (double what I paid for it) and there still 5 and a half days left in the auction. That's a decent amount of interest if you know ebay at all. Here's the link.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Skyway heights

Working on a bridge repair crew has it's advantages sometimes. These are a couple pictures take 3 weeks ago from the western side of the Niagara bound QEW on the Burlington skyway. We are in the process of repairing one of the joints. Getting anything up there is ridiculous though, it has to be lowered by a crane and whinch over the side. I'm about 120 feet up here.

This is Luke, my boss going up the ladder.

I thought this was interesting, Paul Martin's boat named after himself. I waited to see what flag they were flying it was a surprise to see it was Canadian. Luke and I figured they must have just changed it from the Barbados flag or something.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bugs and flowers

Shortly after getting my macro lense Jake and I went and took some pictures around campus.

A Magnolia on campus by the greenhouse.

This one is my favourite. The focal range on the macro lens was alot smaller than I had thought but I guess it will have to do.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Apples for Dinner

A couple weeks ago on my way home from hanging out with Ben and Aaron I stopped to take a couple pictures of the white fields of apple blossoms.

These are just some other pictures from this spring.

Hydro One recently replaced an abosolutely insane amount of these things. It looks cool from the top of the hill b/c you can seem them them stretching as far as you can see going from Niagara Falls heading towards Hamilton.
I really like the bees in that one.
These flowers are cool, they close up at night and when it rains. My mom doesn't know where they came from.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ben to the Rescue

When in doubt just ask Styles. All the way from Oz he can still be of tremendous assistance! Thanks man.

Late for work

On my way to work the night shift a couple weeks ago as I passed by Penninusla Lakes. I love scenes like this. I was late for work because I stopped to snap a few pictures. oh well.